Welcome to the Official PTA Website!

The Potato Transit Authority is a free-drive transit group on Roblox Created in September 2019. Here you will be able to see Sneak Peeks and Information about PTA.

Our Games

Here is our 3 Free-drive games that you can play right now!

 Compatible and supported
 Compatible but not supported
 Not Supported

Fifth Av Lines

Serving Cadland, Potatoburg, and Westpotat, the PTA Fifth Avenue Lines are the first lettered lines of the PCS system.



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Callaghan & Madison

Serving Potatoburg, Cadland, and Westpotat, the PTA Callaghan & Madison Lines are the second installment of lettered lines of the PCS system.



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Kennedy Classic

Serving Krypton, Potatoburg and Westpotat, the PTA Kennedy Lines are the first lines of the PCS system to feature advanced technologies.



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PCS Classic

From World Trade Center, Worth Street, and Waterside in Cadland to Grand Junction and Herald Square in Potatoburg, PCS Classic is the first game of the PCS system and has been operating since 2019! The game has since been remade under project "Initium" and its remastered versions can be found under Fifth Av Lines and Newport Lines.
Please note that some aspects of the game may act finnicky because of original game technology.



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The News and Sneak Peeks

The recent ones

sunrise dev pic

sunrise dev pic for the morning how we feel?

The PST-2R has a Hoilday Verison

Happy Hoildays and enjoy the PST-2R in a festive wrap. Side note: Sorry for updating the website again. I've been busy for a while. Ill try to update the website more often

The R27 and R30 is now in 5th Av!

5th Av has received the R27 and R30! Go enjoy them in 5th Av!